로그인 회원가입

nfc, n.f.c.


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  • phrase, National Football Confernce
  • n.f, n/f    phrase, 예금 없음
  • c.a.f., c.a.f.    phrase, cost and freight
  • c.n., c/n    phrase, circular note, contract note, credit note
  • n.f.    phrase, Nesfoundland, Norman French
  • n.f.s.    phrase, National Fire Sevice
  • c.f.    carried forward, centrifugal force, Chaplain to the Forces, cost and freight c/f x, carried forward(다음으로)이월
  • c/f    phrase, carried forward(다음으로)이월 C.F. carried forward, centrifugal force, Chaplain to the Forces, cost and freight
  • f.a.c.s.    phrase, Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
  • f.c.    phrase, fielder's choice, follow copy F.C. x, Football Club, Free Church
  • f.c.a.    phrase, Farm Credit Administratio, Fellow of the (Institute of)Chartered Accountants
  • f.c.s.    phrase, Fellow of the Chemical Society
  • c.p.f.f.    phrase, cost plus fixed fee
  • c.n.s.    phrase, central nervous system
  • n.c    phrase, New church, North Carolina n.c. x, (화)nitrocellulose n/c x, no charge
  • n.c.    phrase, (화)nitrocellulose N.C x, New church, North Carolina n/c x, no charge
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